Sell Anywhere, any time and watch your business grow!

Sell on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest…

Sell on marketplaces: Amazon, Google, and eBay

Sell on Webpages, Online stores, and Blog posts

Sell in-store or on the go

Get Started

Store App is an Omnichannel Retail Strategy

Allow your customers to purchase your inventory easily on any platform, including in-store, mobile, social media, marketplaces, and other online venues.

By personalizing the customer experience and driving sales through multiple channels, you can create a loyal customer base that will continue to purchase from you in the future.

The Store App’s sales dashboard makes it easy for you to manage sales across all channels from one central location.

Get Started


The new normal in retail is to sell products through many sales channels.

Why don’t you get started and experience easy store management

Sell where customers are most engaged

Today’s online shoppers use a variety of channels and devices to make purchases and complete transactions. In order for a company to succeed in today’s market, it must provide clients with a variety of options for purchasing its products and services. Store App lets you manage and track all of your sales channels from one location.

Take advantage of social media to connect with customers worldwide

Social networking platforms like Facebook enable you to connect with millions of prospective clients that you may convert into paying customers. Social channels account for a significant portion of revenue for merchants selling on Store App. All sales and inventory adjustments made via these platforms will instantly sync with the Store App merchant dashboard

Get a Store Management App of Your Own!

All of our clients have access to a store management app, which allows them to control all aspects of their store. Because we are all on our phones nowadays, we provide all of our clients with a store management app that allows them to control every part of their store. The good news is that your web store’s data will be instantly synced automatically with the mobile app. Using your Store App merchant dashboard, you can create social media posts, manage orders, and engage with consumers.

Manage all of your sales channels with ease and simplicity

Your data can be synchronised across several sales channels using Store App’s easy-to-use app. Store App enables you to easily integrate data from various sales channels, such as social media, mobile, and in-person. To monitor all sales activities on the move, you may sync data such as order history, inventory levels, and client information. Using just a few clicks, you can begin controlling all of your sales channels with Store App. Store App makes it easy to manage and track all of your data and sales channels from a single location.

Omnichannel Strategy

Integrate online & store payments

All the card payment solutions you need in one place

Choice of Card Processing Solutions

Store App eCommerce platform enables integrations with point-of-sale systems such as Vend, Square, Clover, PayPal, and Alice POS. This is an omnichannel system that synchronizes all your in-store/offline/online payments data in one system.