A Quick Guide To Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing?

With Affiliate Marketing, businesses pay one or more affiliates for each customer that the affiliate brings in through their advertising. If a purchase is made via an affiliate link, the affiliate gets a cut of the sale. Affiliate marketers generally have their own website or blog and use affiliate links to promote products or services from other companies. When someone clicks on these links and makes a purchase, the affiliate marketer earns money from commissions.

Growth Stat’s on Affliate Marketing

The Affiliate Marketing industry is booming and is only getting bigger. In 2019, the industry was worth an estimated $12 billion dollars, and it is expected to grow to a record-breaking $22 billion by 2022. In the United States alone, Affiliate Marketing spending is expected to reach a massive $8.2 billion by 2022!

How Affiliate Marketing Works

There are four key players in Affiliate Marketing:

  1. The affiliate (also known as the publisher)- This is the person or website that promotes the merchant’s products in exchange for a commission.
  2. The affiliate network- This is the company that manages and tracks affiliate sales and commissions.
  3. The advertiser (also known as the merchant or retailer)- This is the company that owns the product or service being promoted.
  4. The consumer- This is the person who ultimately buys the product or service being promoted.
Affiliate Marketing: The Affiliate, Network, Advertiser and Consumer

Summary of the Affiliate Marketing Process

  1. The affiliate finds a product they want to promote and signs up with that business’ affiliate program (or multiple affiliate programs).
  2. The affiliate then promotes the product on their own website or through social media, email, etc.
  3. An affiliate’s promo link takes a consumer to the advertiser’s website or directly to the business selling the product. If a sale is made from that traffic, then it is assigned to that affiliate–giving them their commission.

5 Website Where You Can Find Affiliate

  1. Clickbank – Clickbank is one of the largest affiliate networks, with over 10,000 affiliate programs.
  2. Amazon Associates – Amazon Associates is a well-known affiliate program that lets you promote products from Amazon.com and earn commissions on qualifying sales.
  3. ShareASale – ShareASale is another popular affiliate network, with over 4,000 affiliate programs.
  4. CJ Affiliate – CJ Affiliate is a large affiliate network with over 3,000 affiliate programs.
  5. Rakuten Marketing Rakuten Marketing is an affiliate network with over 2,500 affiliate programs.

Store App Tips on Attracting Affiliates:

There is a strategy to attracting the right Affiliates for your business

  1. Offer attractive commissions – If you want to attract affiliate marketers to promote your products or services, you need to offer them attractive commissions. The higher the commission, the more likely they are to promote your product or service.
  2. Provide quality products or services – affiliate marketers are only going to promote products or services that they believe in. If you want them to promote your product or service, it needs to be of high quality.
  3. Have a strong affiliate program – affiliate marketers will only join affiliate programs that are well-run and have a strong reputation. Make sure your affiliate program is run efficiently and has a good reputation, and you will be more likely to attract the best affiliate marketers.
  4. Offer Affiliate Marketing training – affiliate marketers need to be guided in order to be successful in selling your brand/products/services. Offer Affiliate Marketing training to help them learn how to effectively promote your products or services.
  5. Offer affiliates marketing material – Consistent branding is key. Provide marketing material so any ads and social media posts keep the same branding message
  6. Provide support – affiliate marketers need to know that they can count on you for support. Be available to answer their questions and help them troubleshoot any problems they might have.
There is a strategy to compensating affiliates to attract the right ones

Strategies for Compensating Affiliates

  1. Pay per sale – With this strategy, you pay affiliate marketers a commission for each sale they generate. This is a popular strategy because it allows you to only pay affiliate marketers when they are generating sales for you. Make sure you have refund policy on goods returned too.
  2. Pay per lead – With this strategy, you pay affiliate marketers a commission for each lead they generate. This is a less popular strategy because it can be more difficult to track leads than sales.
  3. Pay per click – With this strategy, you pay affiliate marketers a commission for each click they generate. This is a less popular strategy because it can be more difficult to track clicks than sales or leads.
  4. Pay per impression – With this strategy, you pay affiliate marketers a commission for each time their affiliate link is displayed. This is also a less popular strategy because it can be more difficult to track impressions than sales, leads, or clicks.
  5. Pay per action – With this strategy, you pay affiliate marketers a commission for each time they take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or completing a survey. This is a less popular strategy too because it can be more difficult to track actions than sales, leads, clicks, or impressions

10 Reasons Why You May Chose Affiliate Marketing

  1. It is performance-based – Affiliate Marketing is a commission-based model, so you only pay for results.
  2. Reach a larger audience – It can help you reach a larger audience than you would through other marketing channels.
  3. It is cost-effective – It is one of the most cost-effective ways to market your products or services.
  4. Affiliates become your salespeople – They are motivated to sell your products and services and will often go above and beyond to do so. There is no salary to rely on so they work harder to close a sale
  5. You can track results – With Affiliate Marketing, you can track exactly how many sales or leads are generated from each affiliate. This allows you to see which affiliates are performing well and adjust your strategy and compensation accordingly.
  6. You can target specific audiences – You can target specific audiences and demographics. This allows you to tailor your marketing messages to those most likely to convert.
  7. It builds trust and credibility – Affiliate Marketing can help build trust and credibility for your business. When customers see that real people are recommending your products or services, they are more likely to trust your company.
  8. Affiliates can help promote your brand – Affiliates can help promote your brand by featuring your logo on their website or blog. This exposure can help increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.
  9. You can save time and money – Many hands make light work. Allow your affiliates to manage campaigns. And you can save money by paying affiliate commissions only when results are generated.
  10.  It is Scalable – The strategy is a scalable way to grow your business. As your audience grows, so does your affiliate network. This allows you to scale your marketing efforts to reach a larger audience without incurring additional costs.
Affiliate marketing works well for some businesses

Disadvantages of a Business Using Affiliate Marketing

  1. It requires a lot of coordination and communication between affiliate marketers and businesses
  2.  Businesses need to carefully select their affiliate partners and monitor their performance so the entire excises is not a waste of time
  3. There is great competition for the best affiliates out there, therefore, your commission must be generous and therefore affecting your profits margins
  4. There can be negative publicity if an affiliate partner promotes a product or service in an unethical way e.g. spamming, pop-ups, or lying about your offering
  5. Some business models are not conducive to Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is not suitable for all businesses. If you are thinking about using Affiliate Marketing to promote your business, you should first consider whether it is a good fit for your business model.

Types of Business Models not Conducive to Affiliate Marketing

  1. Subscription-based businesses – Affiliate marketers are not interested in promoting businesses that require customers to sign up for a monthly or yearly subscription. This is because they will not receive any commission if customers only sign up for the free trial and then cancel their subscriptions.
  2. Pay-per-use businesses – Affiliate marketers are not interested in promoting businesses that charge customers for each use of the product or service. This is because they will not receive any commission if customers only use the product or service once and then cancel their subscription.
  3. Businesses with low profit margins – Affiliate marketers are not interested in promoting businesses that have low profit margins. This is because they will not receive a high commission if the business does not make a lot of money.
  4. Businesses that are not well-known – Affiliate marketers are not interested in promoting businesses that are not well-known. This is because they will not receive a lot of traffic if people do not know about the business.
  5. Businesses that do not have a good reputation – Affiliate marketers are not interested in promoting businesses that do not have a good reputation. This is because they will not receive a lot of traffic if people do not trust the business.

Market your products or services through Affiliates

Overall, Affiliate Marketing is a powerful marketing channel that can be used to generate sales and leads for your business. To be successful with Affiliate Marketing, you need to have a good understanding of how it works and be able to find and motivate quality affiliate marketers. Additionally, you need to carefully track your results and monitor your affiliate program to ensure it is running smoothly.

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1 Comment

  1. gematria


    Great post.

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